Bonus material

Take advantage of this bonus material when you register

  • Facebook Community Group

    When you enrol in one of the Photojournalism Ethics course modules, you will have access to a private Facebook group where you can work through course material in discussion with other participants.

  • Free 1-to-1 with the Instructor

    If you register for all three modules, you will receive an invite to schedule a free 1-to-1 meeting with Savannah Dodd. During this 1-to-1, you will have up to one hour to share and discuss your work, and to ask any questions you have about visual media ethics.

  • Certification

    When you complete all three modules in the Photojournalism Ethics course series, you will be invited to apply for certification. Certification from the Photography Ethics Centre is an indicator of cultural competence, professionalism, and rigour.


Course Instructor

Savannah Dodd

Savannah Dodd, PhD, is a photographer and anthropologist. In 2017, she founded the Photography Ethics Centre with the aim of promoting ethical literacy across the visual media industries. Savannah holds a Practitioner’s Appointment at the Centre for Creative Ethnography at Queen’s University Belfast. In 2023, she delivered a TEDx talk at the university titled “Changing the world with visual media ethics.” In 2020, her edited volume, Ethics and Integrity in Visual Research Methods, was published by Emerald Publishing Group.


Guaranteed to make you think

by Tim Bingham

I can't recommend these courses more highly. Guaranteed to make you think and reflect.

Raised powerful questions

by Anonymous

I was hoping for a broad, thoughtful look at ethics in the world of photography that raised powerful questions (many without answers). This is what we got. An excellent way to think about your own role as a photographer/journalist and your relationship with the 'reality' you capture.

Loved everything

by Anonymous

Really professionally presented with very relevant content. Good balance between practice and theory. Loved everything.